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Monday, September 12, 2016

Hi Guys,

I hope you all had an amazing Summer break, I know I did, spent it with my family in Hilton head. We were worried at first because the forecast was calling for a week of bad weather but it was an amazing week! We laid on the beach the kids learned how to do flips in the pool without their jackets on, took a parasailing adventure and found hundreds of live sand dollars and a couple live starfish. It was an amazing trip that we all will remember.

Jumping back into the groove of school our project for this semester is for a competition in High point. The project calls for us to design a spacious luxury sky box that a recording label purchased to entertain their A-list clients.
Based off a music genre we are to select one type as well as get in mind the type of artist we will be designing the space to please. I am excited about this project, being as there isn't a budget, sky's the limits. I can't wait to see where this takes us.
Well guys heading back to the pintrest board.


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