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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Hello All,

We recently took an amazing class trip to the manufacturing factory for Thayer Coggins furniture company. This was an eye opening trip, I had no idea that they hand complete one piece of furniture at a time. As we entered the factory everyone was immediatily welcoming, you could feel the excitement radiating through them like they love every minute of what they do.

They reminding me of you know when you read an amazing book and you can't wait to tell everyone about just how amazing it was and walk them through it so they can get to the level of your excitement?

Well this was like that throughout our entire visit. We went through the different stations and reviewed the whole process. There was this amazing women who has worked in the factory there for 40 some years she hand sanded each piece wit such procession and grace it was really quite beautiful to watch.
Throughout the factory everyone had his or her own craft to the way they made the furniture. It was a spectacular day. In the end we watched them complete a teal Boldido Chair with a stainless steel frame.
I have pictures that I would post but my macbook isn't corroborating right now.

Hope you all have a happy Tuesday.

xoxo -S

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