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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Almost there,

     Happy Thursday, it's been awhile since I have been on here but I'm back and ready to finish up.
So this Summer session I have taken Commercial 1, in this semester we had to complete two very different projects. The first project was a Company called Marquis Seating we designed the front reception, open office spaces, as well as the break room. I started thinking about what kind of atmosphere I would like to work in every day and I went from there. First we read the client profile to really get a better grasp on what exactly the client would like to see in the finished space. My final design for the client was very fun, open, and also colorful. I incorporated the colors of the company's logo throughout the space. The M is the logo emblem for Marquis is located in the center of the floor as you enter the reception area (as shown below). This project was a lot of fun and I enjoyed experimenting with color.  Ready for a much needed vacation.

Have a great Break!!

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