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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Hello all,

   Ready for Fun in the sun! speaking of fun and sun lets talk a little about our second project for the semester, we redecorated a elementary school in Astoria, Colorado. I was in charge of the cafeteria. We went with a blues and greens color scheme so I took that and ran in the direction of bringing the outside inside. I incorporated that into my design by have a drop down in the ceiling to look like raindrops. A water wall in the front as they enter that is surrounded by bamboo plants. The flooring is the color scheme reflected into wood paneling. Large windows and a cutout wall motif were installed to incorporate more natural lighting throughout the space. All the tables can collapse as well as the side right wall in order to accommodate an event the school might hold. Below is my renderings of my design for the West Haven Cafeteria.

I hope you all have a great break! until next time
Almost there,

     Happy Thursday, it's been awhile since I have been on here but I'm back and ready to finish up.
So this Summer session I have taken Commercial 1, in this semester we had to complete two very different projects. The first project was a Company called Marquis Seating we designed the front reception, open office spaces, as well as the break room. I started thinking about what kind of atmosphere I would like to work in every day and I went from there. First we read the client profile to really get a better grasp on what exactly the client would like to see in the finished space. My final design for the client was very fun, open, and also colorful. I incorporated the colors of the company's logo throughout the space. The M is the logo emblem for Marquis is located in the center of the floor as you enter the reception area (as shown below). This project was a lot of fun and I enjoyed experimenting with color.  Ready for a much needed vacation.

Have a great Break!!