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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Happy May-Day everyone.

 Finished! finally! 

  The residential project has finally come to a close, During This design project we had the design task of creating a pool house for a modern family. The family said they would like the pool house to be built in a shipping container so that it cut down on cost. By having the pool house in a shipping container it helps cut down on many daily cost. Such lighting because depending on how the windows are placed depends on if your going to need anything other than natural lighting in the space.
 We each designed a look for the house that was both modern and fit the clients wishes but also was a fun environment for kids. My design consisted of dark teak floors so that it is water resistant but also has a nice hard wood floors look. All the furniture is water resistant wood, the couch is in a fun color that is also water resistant fabric so that when the little kids are wet from the pool they wont mess up the furniture.

We photographed all the angles with a shadow so that it can show what it will look like with the light from the sun and shade and  shadow areas. 

 My final presentation board for this residential project of the pool house. 

Thank you for reading stay tuned for more projects to come. 

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