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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hi everyone,
   This is my first time as a new blogger, super excited, together we will go though my journey as I discover what kind of Interior Designer I will be once I finish my time here at RCC. I absolutely  love the program here, it's like we're a cozy family. Everyone here is so warm and welcoming, even the instructors and they give amazing feedback on the projects we do. As of right now we are working on a couple projects, one is a commercial project which we are designing a pool house out of a recycled shipping container.Along with another project where we are designing a living room and doing elevation for it. Its all very exciting to try to put all my ideas together and to see the outcome of  what my jumbled mind dreams up.
  So far since I have been here I have taking a number of class and had great projects. One thing I love is projects so its great that you do a lot in this course study. Principles and Elements of design 1 wasn't what I thought it would be, although the instructors are great. In this class we constructed a box, sounds easy but trust me it wasn't, there were so many guidelines. In my Architectural Drafting class we learned how to draft a floor plan and for our final project we drafted a Constructional Document I am very pleased with all the outcome of theses projects.

I like a Earthy Bohemian style that's infused with a fun girly side, but other times I like modern chic and I can be a traditionalist. The design part of me has very many sides and depending on the project depends on which one is showcased. Fun, Funky, Classy, Edgy, Earthy, Feminine.....the list goes on and on about all the different styles I like, I am very versatile with my design styles so far....   

  I have always been around Interior Design and the furniture Market through family and friends, so I grew up loving this field and have always dreamed of pursuing it and now that I get the chance I am going to run wild with it. Through the following post I will show you what I get my inspiration from and how I plan on bringing my fresh new ideas into this industry. Hope you enjoy!

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